Say goodbye to calculations, Marker lets you run multiple games at once, whether across an individual scorecard or an event.
Play specific games, a specific way? So do we. Access our wide library of games and make handicap adjustments as needed.
A matchplay game where points are awarded to the better of the high and low scores.
Lowest score wins the hole. A match is won when one side leads by more holes than those remaining to be played.
Three matches; front, back, and total.
A game for three. Also known as "5-3-1", each hole has nine points up for grabs.
The player with the lowest score on a hole wins the skin.
The player with the most points wins.
The player with the fewest strokes wins.
The team with the fewest strokes wins.
With features like shareable invite links and auto scorecard generation, you can easily organize your events with Marker.
With live leaderboards for scorecards and events, players and fans can always see who's leading the pack.
After your free trial of 5 events, upgrade to premium to create unlimited events. All other features are free to use on Marker.
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