Team Stroke Play
Team stroke play is a versatile option allowing you to create your own game. This format is most commonly used when you have multiple groups (i.e. Marker events) competing against each other. Groups can be creative and use any combination of net and/or gross balls as a cumulative team score for each hole.
Team stroke play is most commonly used for multi-group competitions. This format allows you to create teams and decide on how many balls count on each hole.
Teams decide on the format of the match in advance. As an example, if you had four groups of four, you could create a game where two balls for each team count on par 5s, three count on all par 4s and all 4 count on the par 3s.
Any number of teams
Played in teams
Stroke play format
How to Play
The group decides on the size and number of teams and the number of net/gross balls for each team to count on each hole.
This game can also track any number of subtotals (1-9 and 10-18, or maybe 1-5, 6-12, 13-18) these subtotals can be separate matches with individual team payouts.
Settings & Adjustments
Manually define your team structure, or let Marker shuffle the teams.
If you have 20 players, you could have 4 fivesomes, 10 twosomes, or any other combination.
Select aggregates: you can select any number of net and/or gross balls to count for each hole.
For example, if you are playing foursomes, you could have 3 of four balls count on holes 1 - 8 and holes 10 - 17, but have all four balls count on hole 9 and 18).
Track subtotals: you can also add subtotals for the leaderboard.
For instance, if you want to track team scores for 1-9 and 10-18, in addition to overall.
Learn more about the general handicap adjustments that Marker supports HERE.
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